My wife made me watch the show my wife my abuser the other night, it was sad to see and hear but I could not help and think that he was lucky in the support he got, ok fair enough I didn’t have all the video footage he had but I did have 15 minutes’ worth I also had professional witnesses to the abuse and who had seen all the bite marks , bruises and slashes, ambulance crew who seen what she was like and even police officers seen what was happening. But on the night I had to ask for help I got treated like I had beaten her and the only times the police spoke to me was while I had a gapping hole in my head gushing out blood and the following day when a CID officer called me to say that I needed to give her the key to the house I had just rented so she had some where to stay which I lost because well you will see if you read the full story. After all this though I have to say I ended up with my beautiful twins.
Me and the twin’s mom knew each other when she was fourteen and I was fifteen we got on well but that was it, fast forward to 2015 I went down to somerset to see her, and we ended up sleeping together. She was fun. We got drunk together at the weekends. I saw her, she was having issues with her ex-husband at the time over their two children. One weekend her ex kicked off and really upset her so she hit the bottle and coke really hard, with in an hour I would say she was legless I had to carry her into the toilet then she couldn’t even wipe herself so I had to clean her up and even wipe her bum. I carried her into bed, and she was barley awake. As I lay her down, she pulled down her pants and told me to do whatever I wanted too, and she passed out. When she woke up four or five hours later, she could not believe that I had just put her to bed and lay next to her watching boxing. I told her what she had said, and she got funny with me because when she had been in that state before her ex-husband and other blokes had done what they wanted. Again I just felt sorry that she had been through that, it was after this that she got rid of her house and moved up to Devon with me it was at this point I seen firsthand that the drinking wasn’t just at the weekends, even when she got up, she would have a glass of squash with half of it being vodka. But at this point it was to late we lived together
I still believed the good person I knew all those years ago was still in there, she was always telling me how people had abused her, beat her, raped her, and even drugged her to gang rape her. I felt sorry for her and thought that she just needed help and to be treated right.
So, to help her stop drinking and give her something else to focus on I brought her a horse, big mistake she loved it at first, but it cost me a fortune to buy then a fortune to keep. She then lost interest in it, and I had to either pay some to look after her or I had to go to the stable in the morning before work then the evening after work.
This is when she started wanting to fight me when she drank she would get right in my face screaming at me telling me that if I’m so hard I would fight her, I used to tell her that I’m not going to hit her but Whenever I would disagree with her or say something she didn’t like she would lash out she would bite me punch, slap me even hit me with frying pans don’t get me wrong she was a tiny little thing so at this point she had never done any damage, the worse thing Tho was when she would start calling her exes or texting them trying to get me to fight back but it just messed with my head more to be honest.
When we moved into the house not long after AJ was fighting Klitschko and a few friends of mine come over to watch it like they always did when I lived on my own, she ended up kicking right off going mad at everyone even the bloke I worked for she kicked him out of the house. As the last chap left Paul I seen him out and as I was stood at the back door she smashed a glass over the back of my head, me and Paul had been close for a year or two before that night I have never seen him since and it was the last time my mates come to the house.
On the following Monday she went mad smashing up the kitchen and throwing things at me and calling me every name under the sun cos she found out that I had brought a DeWalt nail gun set, I had told her, and she did sign for a massive DeWalt box a month or so before. She then demanded that I give her all my wages every week. I just gave up and said if that is what it takes to make you happy fine.
I remember thinking I do everything for you I put up with all your crap I try to always treat you right I never hit you back and you treat me like shit I do not think you have ever had any feelings for me what is so ever. She held the blokes that had abused her and “raped” her such high regard it was starting to make me sick I just did not understand.
She told me about this one incident where she was hogg tied by what she called a gangster from where she lived in somerset, and he did it because they were in love, and he could never do something like that to his wife because she did not understand that side of him.
At this point he was one of three blokes she would try to make me jealous of. she used to call him and all he would say was that he could meet her for a night halfway between somerset and Devon. His love for her was so deep. Remember her answering her phone one day to one of her exes with who her relationship never made sense to me. I do not know, I might just see it from a bloke’s point of view, you will have to bear with me it is confusing. My ex and her ex-husband were God mother and father to her other exes and her ex-husband’s new wife’s son, her ex-husband had gone off with this girl, so my ex and this other chap got together but the way she told me it happened was sick. She told me that she was driving him to a party and he asked her to pull over so they could have a line before they got there, they did a line then he raped her in the car, but it was ok cos when she spoke to him days later he said he just wanted her so bad he could not control himself so they were together for a few months? Like what? But any way she answered the phone and was saying how lovely he was and told him she loved him, she put the phone down looked at me then started screaming that I did not understand then hit me over the head with a saucepan from behind.
#Alcoholic #Domesticabuse #Abuse #ADHD #Fetalalcoholspectrumdisorder #FASD #Workshop #Tools #Dewalt #Festool #Kidsbeds #Childrensfurniture #Themedfurniture #Bespokefurniture #Fatherhood #Autism #PTSD #Farm #Interiordesign #Frozen #NHS #Barnstaple #Devon #Bideford #castlebed #oktonotbeok #Woodworking #Kreg #Carpentry #Carpenter #Joinery #Joiner #Cabinetmaker #Trend #Oneofakind #mensmentalhealth #neglect
